Don’t Let Winter Dry Your Skin

Unless you live in a tropical climate, you will have to deal with the effects of winter weather on your skin. Most of us make heavy use of hand lotion during the winter when our hands become chapped and reddened. If the cold is taking such a toll on our hands, just imagine what it’s doing to our faces! During the winter, the air becomes very dry, and it’s easy for your skin to correspondingly dry out. While it’s quite true that most of us spend less time outside during the winter than we do when the weather is warmer, our indoor environment can also affect our skin – heating your home also causes dry air, and dry skin.

Winter and Your Skin

The cold and dryness of winter will affect every skin type, and those who have oily skin will also feel the effects. Those who enjoy winter sports such as skiing, skating, and snowboarding are most at risk for winter damaged skin. And it’s not only the low temperatures that can cause problems, winter wind is biting and frigid and will not only strip away moisture, but can also cause rash and irritation such as wind burn. Although the sun may be low in the sky, it can still affect your skin, and you can actually get sunburn from sunlight reflected off snow.

       Dry skin is at an increased risk of damage during the winter. Skin that is already somewhat fragile and subject to wrinkling can find itself in even worse condition. Dry skin can become chapped and rough, and the possibility of lines developing will increase.
       Those with oily skin will also suffer from winter’s drying. While the damage done to oily skin may not be as profound as that done to dry, the cold dry air can rob even an oily skin of the natural moisture it needs to stay healthy.
       It used to be thought that winter weather would be good for skin with acne. This has been shown to be untrue – cold and dry air can actually make acne worse. Because acne skin needs special care, you can read more here to find out about acne care.
       Sensitive skin may well suffer more from winter than even dry skin. This skin type will not only dry out easily in the cold, but it will also be more likely to suffer from wind burn and the drying heat of the home.

Fighting Back against the Cold

There is no need to run up the white flag when you find your skin beginning to suffer from winter. A good program of skin care can help to overcome the problems caused by dry air, and correct problems that have already arisen. Putting more moisturizer or beauty cream on your skin will not automatically overcome winter’s effects, you will have to put a bit more effort into it than you had previously.

       A hot shower or bath on a cold day, especially if you’ve been feeling chilly, feels absolutely wonderful. Unfortunately, hot water will remove more oils from your facial skin than you can really afford to lose. Soak all you want, but when it comes to washing your face, use tepid water instead.
       When drying your face, use a soft towel and simply pat it dry. Rubbing your face vigorously to dry it will not only irritate it, but will also remove more oils.
       An exfoliant is recommended now, right after drying. If you leave dead skin cells on your face, it will interfere with the moisturizer you are going to use.
       Use a moisturizer as soon as you have used the exfoliant; the new layer of skin will be very receptive to the help that a moisturizer will provide.
       Because you home is undoubtedly dry from indoor heating, you might want to use a humidifier to add some moisture to the air. Use a humidifier in any room where you will be spending time, and these can be very helpful in your bedroom while you are sleeping.
       Dehydration is just as likely during the winter as it is during the summer; your chapped lips and hands are telling you that you are somewhat dehydrated. Be sure to drink plenty of liquids to keep your entire body in good working order.
       In addition to your moisturizer, be sure to apply a sunscreen when going out during the winter, to prevent sunburn.

Taking care of your skin during the cold season may require a bit more effort than usual, but it will be worth it in the long run, especially in preventing damage from cold, dryness, sun, and wind. The extra effort required will reward you with skin that resists aging longer.