BodyLight by Aesthetic Science: Lose the Pounds and Be Light For Life

Summer is definitely here. I know most of you already have vacation plans, especially since Holy Week is slowly approaching. Some would go out of town, visit a relative in the province, or simply enjoy the holiday under the sun at the beach. You might be having a problem achieving that beach-ready body because what kind of person would refuse ice cream, halo halo, or smoothies in this scorching weather? Well, I might have the answer to that because Aesthetic Science recently launched the BodyLight Program. I’ve learned quite a lot about the holistic approach to weight management during the launching event.

Aesthetic Science’s Body Light is a program that promotes healthy living as a way to lose the extra fats, for good. This program will allow its customers to unlearn their misguided beliefs on weight management, and re-educate them on the basics of loving and taking good care of their body. It will also give the ideal lasting results that will balance the mind, spirit, and body.

Before you proceed to the details on how BodyLight works, here’s an infographic of Steps for Healthy Weight Management.
click to enlarge the photo
 BodyLight is anchored on the following guiding principles:
        Men and women are not created equal. Differences in genetic make-up, upbringing and other environmental factors require a more personalized approach to weight management. What works for one might not work for another.
        The weight of a person is impacted greatly by his or her lifestyle that encompasses the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being of that person.
        There are no quick fixes and no shortcuts to losing weight.
        Losing weight can be a pleasant journey and should not be equated with suffering.
        The ultimate goal is not to lose the excess weight, but to stay healthy.

Under the BodyLight program, a personalized plan will be made based on the following steps to a HEALTHY Weight Management:

Heed expert’s advice.
Make it a habit to skip infomercials and to take the words of celebrity endorsers with a grain of salt; more than anything else, their goal is to sell the product being advertised. Train the mind to be more vigilant when researching information on the internet. It’s best to consult first with a licensed medical professional before getting into a certain diet plan, or before buying any health product that hasn’t been approved by the Bureau of Food and Drugs (BFAD) or the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Evaluate medical history.
Diagnostic procedures may be prescribed to rule out possible underlying medical conditions that are causing the unhealthy weight gain, such as Hypothyroidism, Cushing’s syndrome, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, Adrenal Insufficiency, and Gut problems.

Avoid unhealthy eating habits.
Most people fail at their weight-loss journey because of the lack of discipline in consuming the right kind of food. Focus will be given on consuming whole and real foods, having a low-sugar and low-salt diet, and hydrating adequately with water. Unhealthy foods such as refined grains and bad fats and getting into fad diets should be removed from one’s eating habits.

Live an Active Life.
Engaging in a regular physical activity such as Running, Brisk walking, Yoga, Pilates or getting involved in any sport should be included in one’s daily regimen.

Take a break.
Most emotional eaters don’t realize that stress contributes significantly to excessive weight gain. Stress can be managed by learning relaxation techniques such as meditation, taking walks and connecting with nature, listening to music, or practicing Yoga.

Have enough sleep.
Night owls must realize that lack of sleep also contributes to weight gain. To stay fit, at least 7-8 hours of sleep is recommended. Everyone should try to get as much sleep between 9 PM to 3 AM.

Because a lot of weight problems stem from psycho-emotional issues, one has to keep his or her mental and emotional state in check. Keep a happy disposition and stay away from toxic relationships. A positive self-esteem can foster love for one’s body, translating into a desire to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

More than lose the extra pounds, BodyLight aims to eradicate the faulty beliefs and unhealthy practices that contributed to the excess weight gain. By eliminating these factors, positive results will be easier to sustain.
During the event, they also reminded us the importance of sunscreen. Aesthetic Science is promoting the “Sunscreen Everyday Keeps the Wrinkles Away” mantra that advocates regular use of sunscreen as part of everyone’s anti-aging regimen not only during summer time, but all year round. Putting on sunscreen regularly helps avoid skin cancer and Photoaging. Photoaging refers to skin aging due to environmental factors, with solar radiation as its leading cause. Wrinkles, fine lines, sagging skin… these ugly signs can come earlier than expected, no thanks to the sun’s harmful ultraviolet rays.

The AS team continuously studies your body and skin care needs to be able to always provide you with holistic programs and services that help you to be beautiful inside and out. To quote Kahlil Gibran, “beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart”.

Visit Aethetic Science Facebook Page for more information, updates and promos.