Sunshine Blogger Award

Being nominated to such award really is refreshing, it makes me feel that my blog is appreciated by many. To be honest, this will be my first time do this kind of post even though I've been nominated to some blog awards before. That doesn't mean that I ignored those who nominated me, it's just that I always forgot to do the tag myself because: 1) I have too many pending posts to do, and 2) I am a very forgetful person. But this time, I wanted to make a change, and I want to thanks, Gen-zel (read her post here) for nominating me for Sunshine Blogger Award. 

1. Post a picture of the Sunshine Blogger Award
2. Post 11 random facts about you
3. Answer 11 questions from the nominating blogger
4. Link back to the blogger who nominated you
5. Nominate 11 wonderful bloggers, that you feel bring sunshine to the blogging world. (Be sure to notify them)
6. Write 11 questions for your nominated blogger

1. I like pink better than yellow. Meaning to say that this blog should be "The Touch of Pink" but ended up as "The Touch of Yellow" because the other name is already unavailable. 
2. I love to read books, and they are the reason why I am always missing in action here on my blog.
3. I am a sucker for anything floral. I'm sure that I've mention this before, that my favorite one is Rosa Centifolia. 
4. I love ice cream and smoothies
5. Checking my e-mail every hour
6. Buying something then regret it afterwards
7. Editing and taking pictures when I'm bored
8. I always cheat when it comes to my eating diet. 
9. Love watching animated movies and reading comics (manga in japan)
10. I like wearing high-heel shoes but always ended up wearing flats
11. Dreaming to become "Animator" and work for Disney and Pixar. 

My answers to Gen-zel's questions:
1. One makeup product you can't live without? 
- Lipstick
2. What's your dream vacation?
- Anywhere quiet with a beautiful view
3. Silliest thing you've ever done?
- Going home from school in Makati to Cavite bare footed
4. Who's your ultimate celebrity crush?
- George Clooney, Daniel Craig & Leonardo DiCaprio
5. Favorite Singer?
- Whitney Houston
6. Food you hate?
- Salad
7. Most Favorite red lipstick?
- currently, it's Lioele Lip Color Stick Rebecca
8. Android or iOS? Why?
- Both
9. What is blogging to you?
- Blogging is my hobby. I love every bit that comes from my blog but it's definitely not a job to settle for for me. 
10. Most favorite blog site?
- Too many to mention
11. Dress or pants?
- Pants. 

I am tagging:
Monica of
Aimee of
Andy of
Donah of
Rini of
Awungshi of
Marxie of
Rhea of
Kim of
Kath of
And all worth reading

My questions for you are:
1. Books or Movies? Why?
2. Favorite writer/director? 
3. How often do you blog?
4. What's your other hobby beside blogging?
5. Any meaning behind your blog's name?
6. When did you know you're going to be a blogger?
7. Something you're looking forward to?
8. What's your fashion signature?
9. Your most favorite makeup and skincare product?
10. Name three to five items you'd take with you when Zombie apocalypse ever happen?
11. Are you a morning person? If yes, what's your morning routine?

I really enjoyed doing this tag. I'm sure that my nominees are thinking that my questions are lame, just bear with me. Haha! Now, I really want to read your answers so make sure you'll notify me when you've done this tag. :)

xoxo, M.