REVIEW | BeautyLenses 1Day Lens Pouring Stars Black

This review is a super overdue one. I received this 1 day lens from Beauty Lenses a couple of months ago but didn't had a chance to finally wear it since the lens is only good for one day. I though that I should save it for my upcoming events, but a number of events has come and I still didn't get to wear it. Why? -because I forgot. LOL Let's now move on to my review of Beauty Lenses 1Day Lens Pouring Stars Black.

Brand: Beauty Lenses - Pouring Stars
Manufacturer : Dueba Contact Lens
Material: Soft hydrogel (Poly HEMA), saline.
Moisture Content: 43% Water

Diameter: 14.3mm
Base Curve: 8.8
Disposable:  1day
Country of origin: South Korea.
Price: USD3.90


Enlargement: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 3/5
If you want to have a big, dolly eyes, I don't think this'll suit your taste. With its 14.3mm diameter it doesn't gave me much enlargement on my eyes.

Design: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 2/5
The design is pretty simple too. The lens has this shooting star design on the sides. I really like what it looks like on the pictures but it's not that great in real life. It is also barely visible when worn, and that makes it more disappointing since I expect much effect on this lens. When I actually thought that those pouring stars design will give emphasize on my eyes but no, it simply blends on my natural eye color and looks very natural. In some ways, looking natural is also good but still, why wear a lenses with pretty design if it'll be never noticed by people? ne? 

Comfort: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 4/5
If we are talking about comfort, then 1 day lenses are really good, they are very thin and easy to wear. It is also soft and feels nothing when worn. I almost forgot that I am wearing a contact lens when I got home wearing this, because I really didn't felt like wearing one. So why did I gave it a 4 out of 5? Due to its thin and soft lens it tends to flip while you were wearing it. I really took me minutes to successfully wore it on my left eye, but that was no big deal since I will only wear it once. 

Overall Experience: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 3/5
Overall, I am pretty satisfied with this 1Day lens Pouring Stars Black. It was not bad for a daily usage though it will be much better if I can use it for a couple of days more. It looks nice on photo's and it's not very obvious. No need to worry that it'll dry up since the water content is really enough to wear the whole day.

Have you tried any 1 day lens before? Would you mind to try one?

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