#ClayYourWay with L'Oreal Pure Clay Masks Review

One of my favorite things about skin care is how they are made differently. All products have their own specialization that makes our life, beauty junkies, much easier. Among the skin care items I own, masks are my favorites. They’re easy to use and packed with many benefits that a simple moisturizer has. You can pretty much say that I was very ecstatic when I heard that L’Oreal will be having their own Clay Mask line.  And it’s not just your ordinary clay mask, the world’s leading beauty brand just answered the prayers of the beauty mavens of every skin types to multimask through L’Oreal Paris Pure Clay Mask.

What I have here with me are the three variations L’Oreal Pure Clay Mask: L’Oreal Pure Clay Mask Illuminating, L’Oreal Pure Clay Mask Anti-Pores, and L’Oreal Pure Clay Mask Hydration.
All three have the same drying time, 10 minutes. They solidify quickly and wash off really easy. You don’t need to scrub your skin raw trying take it off, a lightly touch of water and it’ll start to wear off the skin. They are also lightly scented, each with different and relaxing smell. But if you are sensitive to fragrance, then you might want to reconsider using these masks. What I really like most about these clay masks is that they have their own skin mission – to illuminate, anti-pores, and hydration.

L’Oreal Pure Clay Mask Illuminating
Among the three, this is the only one with exfoliating properties. Since its main purpose is to take away the dead skin cells and build-up impurities, expect this mask to be a bit grainy in texture. Perhaps it’s because of the exfoliating beads that made it that way; don’t worry as it is not harsh on the skin. It actually feels nice when you use it after you remove your makeup.

While on my skin, it gives off a cooling sensation which is kind of relaxing. I can’t really say that it instantly brightens my skin, though. Yes, it does feel renewed, but definitely not brighter. What I notice, on the other hand, is how my skin feels smoother after I wash it off. Like the feeling when you just finished scrubbing and rinsing your face without having to actually scrub it onto your face. The effect also last the whole day or until I wash off my face again. Nice, eh?

L’Oreal Pure Clay Mask Anti-Pores
My skin is definitely not in its good condition for the past few months now. I get breakouts after breakouts and it’s making me insane on what to do about it. Or what I am doing wrong, per se. After going haywire from experimenting, this mask came in like an angel sent from above.

Nope, this is not the only product that did magic on my monstrous red bumps, but it did help big time. It dries quickly and you can actually see your pores tightening up as it dries. I like to use it after I exfoliate my skin (not the illuminating clay mask, but the actual face scrub); I also applied more over problem areas leave it on for at least 15 minutes before rinsing it off. Surprisingly, it works. It pretty much cleared up the breakout’s redness.

However, to those who have dry skin like moi, I suggest not to use it regularly (although I really want to). Maybe once or twice a week is enough because if you use it more than that, it will eventually remove the remaining oils in your face. And we don’t like that, don’t we? 

L’Oreal Pure Clay Mask Hydration
Compared to the first two clay mask that looks dry, this one is on the water-y side. I expect as much because hello, it’s for hydration of the skin! Anyway, dry-skin peeps, you’ll surely love this one. For 10-15 minutes that I leave it on my face, the effect instantly shows.

After washing it off, my skin feels bouncy, soft, and intensely hydrated. It gives a dewy and glowing effect on my skin like I just drank 10 glassful of water. It draws out the oil of my face and replaces it with a new and healthier one – thanks to its Lemon Balm essential oil extract.  My skin will also stay hydrated until the next day, and since this one is for us, with dry skin type, I can use it every other day without hurting my skin. Ha! 

These L’Oreal Pure Clay Masks are my go-to masks. They’re handy and definitely know what they are made to do. You may use them alone or all at the same time – they call it multi-masking. If you have different skin condition at different skin areas, then this one is certainly for you! Another plus is how big they are and will probably lasts me for another 6 months or so.

Remember that the key to addressing multiple skincare problems is to choose the right Pure Clay Mask variations! #ClayYourWay with your own L’Oreal Pure Clay Mask Hydration which is exclusively available in Lazada at P399 only. Get yours now at https://goo.gl/GJjxM2